Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Classic Creative Art Essay - 825 Words

Classic Creative Art (Essay Sample) Content: Running head: CLASSIC 1CLA 221: Paper 1NameName of InstitutionCreative art was a major tool of communication during the ancient Greek times considering there were less means of communication. Statues and different aspects of art were used to appreciate and motivate the ancient society.The first bronze figure is of a male athlete from Olympia in 470 BCE making an offering. The right arm is extended forward, the ephebus would have held a vial, now lost, and was making a liquid offering, a libation, to thank the god for his victory. The gesture represented thus echoed the function of the object.The second figure is of an athlete statue of the diadoumenos type. Diadoumenos means ribbon wearer. This statue shows a victorious athlete who is tying a ribbon around his head immediately after a race. Although the name or origin of the athlete in the statue and the event he participated and won are not shown. It might be a general victory.The third image is of a silver Coin depicting athletes, from Aspendos, Pamphylia (Asia Minor / Turkey); 4th century BCE. The coin shows two wrestlers of the early days, one grabbing the other at the knee.The fourth image shows a naked diskobolos (disk thrower) turned to the right and holding the disc with his left hand backwards. He is bent and his right hand grabs a stick that is normally used to mark the distance of the disk throw. Behind him it is painted a pickaxe stuck in the ground and to the right are two tools for jumping. "halteresà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , are suspended with strings. The diskobolos disc in the image is decorated with a swastika. On the right curve also are writings Kleomelos kalos whereby Kalos means beautiful.Whilst the third coin image is made of silver, the first image is a bronze sculpture and the third statue made of marble. Ancient sculptors favored bronze for athletic statues. This was because it better represented tanned, oiled skin, but many were carved from marble. They were set on bases inscribed with a dedication to a god, the athleteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s name, fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s name, home town and contest. The coin contains pure silver, a precious metal known, respected and accepted worldwide. This fulfilled the acceptability characteristic of money to be used as a medium of exchange.On the other hand, the forth image made in Athens is an attic red-figure painted kylix. AÂkalosÂinscriptionÂis a form ofÂepigraphÂfound onÂAttic vasesÂand graffiti in antiquity but has consequently been printed on most ceramics to date. TheÂkalosÂinscription is typically found on vessels used for aÂsymposium. The scenes that accompany the inscription vary, and include athletic exercises andÂmyths.Interestingly all the objects are happen to come from the ancient Greek origin. They seem to have been made to promote sporting talent preferably athletics. They were all meant to thank and appreciate athletesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ hard work and commitment. It is really a great honor to see your sport on the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s national currency.The names designated asÂkalosÂare not however only limited to athletes but also a characteristic of aristocratic citizens.ÂSomeÂkalos (beautiful) inscriptions are also associated with certain vase painters or pottery workshops. For example, theÂAntimenes Painter is named for theÂkalosÂinscription to Antimenes on his pots.. The role of the forth image praise theÂdemosÂ(the citizenry as a whole) rather than any limited on a particular individual, and suggest the...

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